Friday, November 9, 2012

November 9th class blog

To start off this wonderful Friday afternoon on November 9th the class saw our last ad pitch for our paper ideas. That completed the ad pitchs for the week so everyone had their correct and final ideas for their paper. Next we transitioned into our peer reviews. We were asked to step into Ms. Lang's shoes for this peer review. We were instructed to respond from our point of view as a reader and to write a quick note at the end on what we liked about the paper, what we wanted to change about the paper and any grey areas. Once we had our partner we read eachothers papers and underlined what we liked or thought was confusing. We wrote our general notes on the back and disscussed how the paper flowed.
After a thorough disscussion with our partner we hopped on our blog to write about our peer review. We were instructed to write about which peer review technique was the most helpful to us? Examples being our ad pitch, peer review, rough draft or meeting with Ms. Lang. We also had to write about our paper and how we are going to continue drafting it to get it to its final form. Then sign up sheet was passed around with dates to meet one-on-one with Ms. Lang next week. The options are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I suggest asking her for the sign up sheet on Wednesday when we meet again so you can get that extra help with your paper. It never hurts to directly speak with the source that is determining your grade on an assignment.
So after we finished and published our blog class was over and we were dismissed. An overall easy day and not something that we are not used to because this is in fact our third paper. Also we had to turn in a copy of our draft to Ms. Lang so if you skipped class today to get started early on your 3 day weekend remember to turn in a printed draft on Wednesday. Lastly our homework is to read "Just Walk On By" page 192-195 in our On Writing textbook. This homework is due Wednesday so be prepared to discuss this reading in class.
Thank you all for reading and enjoy your weekend. Happy Veterans day :)
- Sharon Scarlett

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