Monday, November 19, 2012

gangnam style

Clues to the meaning of gangnam style:
Nice wealthy suits. Horse stable, private jets, rich, nice cars, dancing girls, people standing on top of others like riding a horse. Sexy ladies is only english word.

There are horses that are living and on a carosel. He was at a country club, in his private jet, on a bus and in an elavator. In Gangnam. He was in a hottub and in the bathroom.

Korean pop music. Place in Korea with 95% of the wealth. Making fun of rich people there.

Friday, November 16, 2012

post secret

My post secret postcard is of multiple animas such as a dog, cat, panda bear, beta fish and goldfish and it reads "I think I love animals more than people." It is a collage of all the animals pasted together and the words are wrtitten in in blue marker. The audience for this postcard is other animal lovers like myslef. It is for people who would rather be around animals than obnoxious humans who are full of problems. Animals give unconditional love and they are funny and sweet. They snuggle with you at night, play with you durring the day and are always there when you come home from a long day at school or work. They can bring happiness to anyones day and are always positive. My design appeals to the heart because it is heartwarming. I changed my design from wanting it to be of all cats to all animals because I could not find enough cat pictures in my magazine. Oh well, I am an avid animal lover and this will work for me. My secret is revealed.

Friday, November 9, 2012

peer review for paper 3

Today for my peer review I had Sam review and critique my paper. My paper is an anti-ad for the ford auto industry. Ive taken an image of a Ford F150 truck and added text to expose Ford for their auto bailout and the burdon it has put on us taxpayers. The point is that their bailout is costing us money and most people dont even realize it. My spoof ad reads "It's Simple. You buy our cars. Or you'll pay for them anyways." In my paper I have spent time analyzing my add, talking about my spoof ad and exposing the industry as a whole. According to my peer review partener my paper is straight forward and to the point. All I have to do is ad intext citations to support the claims and facts I have presented. I have two outside sources for my paper so now I realize I must cite them intext and include them at the end as well. Also For the last 2 pages of my paper I am going to focus on writing more about my spoof ad and why I made the choices I did in spoofing it from the original. My favorite and most helpfull peer review technique has been the drafting and talking with my peers about my paper. I cant stress enough how much I LOVE the idea of making multiple drafts becuase it really breaks up the assignment and makes it so much easier for me to write. Also talking with my peers really give me great insight and ideas for my paper.

November 9th class blog

To start off this wonderful Friday afternoon on November 9th the class saw our last ad pitch for our paper ideas. That completed the ad pitchs for the week so everyone had their correct and final ideas for their paper. Next we transitioned into our peer reviews. We were asked to step into Ms. Lang's shoes for this peer review. We were instructed to respond from our point of view as a reader and to write a quick note at the end on what we liked about the paper, what we wanted to change about the paper and any grey areas. Once we had our partner we read eachothers papers and underlined what we liked or thought was confusing. We wrote our general notes on the back and disscussed how the paper flowed.
After a thorough disscussion with our partner we hopped on our blog to write about our peer review. We were instructed to write about which peer review technique was the most helpful to us? Examples being our ad pitch, peer review, rough draft or meeting with Ms. Lang. We also had to write about our paper and how we are going to continue drafting it to get it to its final form. Then sign up sheet was passed around with dates to meet one-on-one with Ms. Lang next week. The options are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I suggest asking her for the sign up sheet on Wednesday when we meet again so you can get that extra help with your paper. It never hurts to directly speak with the source that is determining your grade on an assignment.
So after we finished and published our blog class was over and we were dismissed. An overall easy day and not something that we are not used to because this is in fact our third paper. Also we had to turn in a copy of our draft to Ms. Lang so if you skipped class today to get started early on your 3 day weekend remember to turn in a printed draft on Wednesday. Lastly our homework is to read "Just Walk On By" page 192-195 in our On Writing textbook. This homework is due Wednesday so be prepared to discuss this reading in class.
Thank you all for reading and enjoy your weekend. Happy Veterans day :)
- Sharon Scarlett

Friday, November 2, 2012

ford auto ad

The spoof ad that I am writing about says "You wouldnt buy our shitty cars so we'll be taking your money anyway". This means that Americans have been buying foreign cars and not buying Ford, Chrysler or GM. Because of this these American auto industries need a bailout from the government which inturn forces the government to raise taxes so in the end American consumers are still paying for these companies. The consumer didnt buy the American car brands but as a punishment ends up paying for those companies anyways. These companies are just to big to fail. In the smaller paragraph of text its says that consumers bought foreign cars because of their supieror design, fuel milage and resale value. It also says that the consumer forgot that the biggest car maufacturers in America are to big to fail. These companies will always recieve bailouts and support from the government becuse they are part of the foundation of this economy and play a major role in economics. This ad is a pictue of a ford truck on a mountainside which mimics a traditional ford advertisement.